National Conference on Housing Mobility
Supporting Continual Learning and Collaboration
The first national conference focusing on housing mobility as anti-poverty strategy was held in 1994, and there have now been nine such events. At the biennial conference, we feature presenters from the realms of research, policy, and practice to bring attendees up to date on developments in the field and spark discussions that will push the work forward. In bringing together advocates, practitioners, policymakers, program participants, and researchers, the conference fulfills a vital momentum-building role.
Save the Date!
Our next Conference is October 17th, 2025, in Chicago! This page will be updated with the program agenda and registration details as soon as they’re available. In the meantime, if you have not already done so, please consider joining our Housing Mobility Network. As a member, you will receive a 20% discount on each registration.
For sponsorship options, email info@housingmobility.org.

Past Conferences
9th National Conference on Housing Mobility (2023)
The 9th National Conference on Housing Mobility, hosted by Mobility Works, PRRAC, CLPHA, and NAHRO, was held in Washington, DC on September 20, 2023. The field of housing mobility came together in Washington, DC, to discuss the latest research on housing mobility and the Housing Choice Voucher program, innovations in housing mobility practice, federal policy prospects, and updates on the Community Choice Demonstration. The day’s events also featured a keynote address from Raj Chetty of Opportunity Insights and closing remarks from Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-MD).
8th National Conference on Housing Mobility, Virtual (2021)
On November 4, 2021, Mobility Works, the Poverty & Race Research Action Council (PRRAC), and the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities (CLPHA) hosted the 8th National Housing Mobility Conference. Housing practitioners, researchers, policymakers, and mobility participants came together virtually to hear the latest on the HUD Choice Mobility Demonstration, learn about prospects for new policies and funding to support mobility, gain tips for recruiting landlords in high-opportunity neighborhoods, and discuss how to involve voucher holders in program design. Presenters included local and federal housing officials, nonprofit leaders, and researchers.
7th National Conference on Housing Mobility (2018)
On October 16-17, 2018, Mobility Works, PRRAC, and the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities (CLPHA) hosted the 7th National Housing Mobility Conference. People from across the country, including public housing authority officials, researchers, and nonprofit leaders gathered to better understand how to further housing mobility and find new ways to collaborate on mobility efforts. The conference specifically recognized the pivotal moment in which we live; the housing mobility “movement” is growing and wielding greater influence: Some recent successes and notable occurrences include bipartisan congressional support for the housing mobility demonstration bill, the growth of the Mobility Works technical assistance consortium, and the release of the Opportunity Atlas from Raj Chetty and colleagues, further demonstrating the economic mobility potential of housing mobility.
Proceedings from the 6th National Conference on Housing Mobility, “More Choices for More Families,” (2015)
- Mobility Conference Program Booklet and Agenda
- Annotated Conference Agenda (including PowerPoints and research reports)
- Annotated Bibliography: Recent Books, Articles, and Reports on Housing Mobility, Housing Assistance, and Family Outcomes, 2012–2015
- Housing Mobility Programs in the U.S. (2015)
After Thompson: Implications for the Wellbeing of Children (2014)
- Annotated Agenda
- After Thompson: Getting Kids Out of Harm’s Way— Implications for the Well-Being of Children (briefing paper, February 2014)
Proceedings from the 5th National Conference on Assisted Housing Mobility (2012)
- Conference Agenda
- Annotated Conference Agenda (including PowerPoints and research reports)
- Keynote address by HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan
- Annotated Bibliography of Housing Mobility Research, 2010-2012
Proceedings from the 4th National Conference on Assisted Housing Mobility (2010)
- Annotated Agenda (including PowerPoints and research reports)
- Annotated Bibliography of Housing Mobility Research 2006-2010
Proceedings from the 3rd National Conference on Assisted Housing Mobility (2005)
- Keeping the Promise: Preserving and Enhancing Housing Mobility in the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program: Final Report of the Third National Conference on Housing Mobility (Philip Tegeler, Mary Cunningham, Margery Austin Turner, Eds) (December 2005)
- Appendix A. State-funded Housing Voucher Programs
- Appendix B. State, Local, and Federal Laws Prohibiting Source-of-Income Discrimination
- Appendix C. Third National Conference on Housing Mobility Participant Contact List
- Appendix D. Annotated Bibliography of Housing Mobility Resources, 1997 – 2004
- Appendix D Supplement. Annotated Bibliography of Housing Mobility Resources, 2004 – 2006
Proceedings from the 2nd National Conference on Assisted Housing Mobility (1997)
- Housing Mobility: Realizing the Promise (December 1997) (by Margery Austin Turner and Kale Williams)
Proceedings from the 1st National Conference on Assisted Housing Mobility (1994)
- Housing Mobility: Promise or Illusion? (September 1995) (Alexander Polikoff, Ed.)
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